Saturday 12 December 2015

Saesaeng Fans: Why Not to Be One..

I'm sure all of you know what a saesaeng fan is. If you don't, they are basically the downside of EXO L. They stalk EXO like.. EVERYWHERE! Even in the toilet! Few signs of saesaeng fans:
-Killing anyone who says anything bad about EXO
-Framing whatever EXO has touched.. even a dirty tissue

Now do you see my point? There was one EXO member who came specifically just to talk about saesaeng fans.. Probably talking how they give them a hard life. I composed a letter to all you saesaengs:

To: The Saesaengs
From: Admin Crystal
Subject: Talking about Saesaengs

Why do saesaengs exist? Your intention might be trying to help them. The hard truth is that you're not. You're just giving them a hard life. Creeping them out by stalking them, making them feel responsible when you saesaengs bring another band, maybe their best friend (Taemin and Kai are besties). In short, most things you might do are harming them some way. Stop being a saesaeng, I encourage you, and be like a normal fan. I'm 101% sure that EXO will appreciate it.

All the best,
Admin Crystal

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